A. Schema format details

This appendix augments the discussion of HED schema formats presented in Chapter 3: HED formats of the HED specification. The appendix presents additional details on the rules with examples for standard HED schema and HED library schema in .mediawiki and .xml formats.

A.1. Auxiliary schema sections

This section gives information about how the various auxiliary sections of the HED schema are used to specify the behavior of the schema elements.

A.1.1. Unit classes and units

Unit classes allow annotators to express the units of values in a consistent way. The plurals of the various units are not explicitly listed, but are allowed as HED tools uses standard pluralize functions to expand the list of allowed units.

Units corresponding to unit symbols (i.e., have a unitSymbol attribute) represent abbreviated versions of units and cannot be pluralized.

Elements with the SIUnit modifier may be prefixed with a multiple or a sub-multiple modifier. If the SI unit does not also have the unitSymbol attribute, then multiples and sub-multiples with the SIUnitModifier attribute are used for the expansion.

On the other hand, units with both SIUnit and unitSymbol attributes are expanded using multiples and sub-multiples having the SIUnitSymbolModifier attribute.

Note that some units such as byte are designated as SI units, although they are not part of the SI standard. However, they follow the same rules for unit modifiers as do SI units.

Unit classes and units in HED 8.0.0 (* indicates unit symbol).

Unit class

Default units







radian, rad*, degree



metre^2, m^2*



dollar, $, point



hertz, Hz*



dB, candela, cd*






byte, B



metre, m*, inch, foot, mile



m-per-s*, mph, kph



degree-Celsius, oC



second, s*, day, minute, hour



metre^3, m^3*



gram, g*, pound, lb

A.1.2. Unit modifiers

A unit modifier can be applied to SI base units to indicate a multiple or sub-multiple of the unit. Unit symbols are modified by unit symbol modifiers, whereas SI units that are not unit symbols are modified by unit modifiers.

SI unit modifiers


Symbol modifier




Multiple representing 10 to power 1



Multiple representing 10 to power 2



Multiple representing 10 to power 3



Multiple representing 10 to power 6



Multiple representing 10 to power 9



Multiple representing 10 to power 12



Multiple representing 10 to power 15



Multiple representing 10 to power 18



Multiple representing 10 to power 21



Multiple representing 10 to power 24



Submultiple representing 10 to power −1



Submultiple representing 10 to power -2



Submultiple representing 10 to power -3



Submultiple representing 10 to power -6



Submultiple representing 10 to power −9



Submultiple representing 10 to power −12



Submultiple representing 10 to power −15



Submultiple representing 10 to power −18



Submultiple representing 10 to power −21



Submultiple representing 10 to power −24

A.1.3. Value classes

HED has very strict rules about what characters are allowed in various elements of the HED schema, HED tags, and the substitutions made for # placeholders. These rules are encoded in the schema using value classes. When a node name extension or placeholder substitution is given a particular value class, that name or substituted value can only contain the characters allowed for by that value class.


Note: A placeholder # specification may include multiple value class attributes.

Tools check the value in question against the union of an element’s valueClass allowed characters and any additional characters allowed by a particular unit type.

The allowed characters for a value class are specified in the definition of each value class. The HED validator and other HED tools may hardcode information about behavior of certain value classes (for example the numericClass value class).

Allowed characters for value classes.

Value class

Allowed characters


digits, colon, hyphen, period, uppercase


alphanumeric, hyphen, underscore, nonascii


digits, period, hyphen, plus, caret, E, e


As yet unspecified.


printable or nonascii excluding curly braces, commas, and single quotes.


Valid International Resource Identifier as standardized by rfc3987.

See 2.2 Character sets and restrictions for definitions of the various character class definitions.

Notes on rules for allowed characters in the HED schema.

  1. Commas or single quotes are not allowed in any values with the exception of the Prologue, Epilogue, term descriptions in the HED schema, and in tsv column values declared to be of type “list”. The latter must be handled specially by tools.

  2. Date-times should conform to ISO8601 date-time format “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.000000][Z]”. A BIDS regular expression for this is:

  1. Any variation on the full form of ISO8601 date-time is allowed.

  2. The nameClass is for schema nodes.

  3. Values of numericClass must be equivalent to a valid floating point value.

  4. Scientific notation is supported with the numericClass.

  5. The textClass is for descriptions, mainly for use with the Description tag or schema element descriptions. It is also allowed as the value for other tags such as

  6. The posixPath class is as yet unspecified and currently allows any characters except commas.

  7. The IRIClass validity is determined by a library implementing the IETF rfc3987 standard.

A.1.4. Schema attributes

The type of schema element that a schema attribute may apply to is indicated by its schema type property values. Tools hardcode processing based on the schema attribute name. Only the schema attributes listed in the following table can be handled by current HED tools.

Schema attributes.






unit modifier
value class


Specifies a character used in values of this class.


unit modifier


Multiplicative factor to multiply by to convert to default units. (Added in version 8.1.0.)


unit class


Specifies units to use if placeholder value has no units.




The latest schema version in which the element was not deprecated.




Users can add unlimited levels of child nodes under this tag. This tag is propagated to child nodes with the exception of the hashtag placeholders.




The unique identifier of this element in the HED namespace.




This schema element is from the named library schema, not the standard schema. (Added/removed by tools.)




A HED tag closely related to this HED tag.




A child of this node must be included in the HED tag.




This tag has special meaning and requires special handling by tools.




A top-level library schema node should appear under this standard schema node when merged.




This unit represents an SI unit and can be modified.




Modifier applies to base units.




Modifier applies to unit symbols.




Tag could be included with this HED tag.




Tag can only appear inside a tag group.




Placeholder (#)should be replaced by a value.




Tag (or its descendants) can be in a top-level tag group.




Tag or its descendants can only occur once in an event-level HED string.



unit class

The unit class that the value of a placeholder node can belong to.




Unit is a prefix (e.g., $ in the currency units).




An abbreviation representing a unit.



value class

Type of value taken on by the value of a placeholder node.

A.1.4.1. allowedCharacter

The allowedCharacter attribute should appear separately for each individual character to be allowed. However, the following group designations are allowed as values for this attribute:

  • letters designates upper and lower case alphabetic characters.

  • blank indicates a space is an allowed character.

  • digits indicates the digits 0-9 may be used in the value.

  • alphanumeric indicates letters and digits

A.1.4.2. conversionFactor

The value of conversionFactor is the factor to multiply by the current units to convert to default units. (Added in version 8.1.0.). The conversionFactor value must be numeric and positive.

A.1.4.3. defaultUnits

If placeholder (#) has a unitClass, but the replacement value for the placeholder does not have units, tools may assume the value has defaultUnits if the unit class has them. For example, the timeUnits has the attribute defaultUnits=s in HED versions. Tools may assume that tag Duration/3 is equivalent to Duration/3 s because Duration has defaultUnits of s.

A.1.4.4. deprecatedFrom

The deprecatedFrom attribute value takes a value that must be an existing semantic schema version earlier than the current version. Since deprecatedFrom has the elementProperty, it may be applied to any element in the schema. It is an error for the schema to use an element that has the deprecatedFrom attribute in a non-deprecated context. For example, if a tag has the deprecatedFrom attribute, then that tag may not appear as a suggestedTag or relatedTag. Deprecated schema attributes, units, unit modifiers, or value classes cannot be applied except to elements that are deprecated. In addition, the children of a deprecated tag must be deprecated or moved to a parent that is not deprecated.

A.1.4.5. extensionAllowed

The extensionAllowed tag indicates that descendents of this node may be extended by annotators. However, any node that has a placeholder (#) child cannot be extended, regardless of the extensionAllowed attribute, since the node’s single child is always interpreted as a user-supplied value.

A.1.4.6. hedId

A.1.4.7. inLibrary

A.1.4.8. relatedTag

A.1.4.9. requireChild

A.1.4.10. reserved

A.1.4.11. rooted

A.1.4.12. SIUnit

A.1.4.13. SIUnitModifier

A.1.4.14. SIUnitSymbolModifier

A.1.4.15. suggestedTag

A.1.4.16. tagGroup

A.1.4.17. takesValue

A.1.4.18. topLevelTagGroup

A.1.4.19. unique

A.1.4.20. unitClass

A.1.4.21. unitPrefix

A.1.4.22. unitSymbol

A.1.4.23. valueClass

A.1.4.x. Deprecated attributes

In addition to the attributes listed above, some schema attributes have been deprecated and are no longer supported in HED, although they are still present in earlier versions of the schema. The following table lists these.

Schema attributes deprecated for versions ≥ 8.0.0.

Schema attribute





A default value used if no value is provided. Removed in standard schema version 8.0.0.



Indicates where this tag should appear during display. Removed in standard schema version 8.0.0.



Indicates the relationship of the node to its parent. Removed standard schema version 8.0.0.



Event-level HED strings should include this tag. Removed in standard schema version 8.3.0.



Event-level HED string must include this tag. Removed in standard schema version 8.3.0.

The default attribute was not implemented in existing tools. The attribute is not used in HED-3G. Only the defaultUnits for the unit class will be implemented going forward.

The position attribute was used to assist annotation tools, which sought to display required and recommend tags before others. The position attribute value is an integer and the order can start at 0 or 1. Required or recommended tags without this attribute or with negative position were to be shown after the others in canonical ordering. The tagging strategy of HED versions >= 8.0.0 using decomposition and definitions does not permit this type of ordering. The position attribute is not used for HED versions >= 8.0.0.

The predicateType attribute was introduced in HED-2G to facilitate mapping to OWL or RDF. It was needed because the HED-2G schema had a mixture of children that were properties and subclasses. The possible values of predicateType were propertyOf, subclassOf, or passThrough to indicate which role each child node had with respect to its parent. In HED versions >= 8.0.0, the parent-child relationship MUST be subclassOf to allow search generality. The attribute is ignored by tools.

A.1.5. Schema properties

The schema properties are qualifiers on the domains and ranges of schema attributes. A property’s presence implies the attribute has this property, while its absence implies it does not. Processing of property elements is hard-coded into the schema processors. The following is a list of schema attribute properties.

Summary of schema attribute properties for HED Version >= 8.0.0.




This schema attribute is NOT inherited.
Replaces isInheritedProperty.


This schema attribute’s value can be true or false.
This property was formerly named boolProperty.


This schema attribute can apply to any type
of element (tag term, unit class, etc).
This property was formerly named elementProperty.


Deprecated from 8.2.0 in favor of annotationProperty.
This schema attribute is inherited by child nodes.
This property only applies to schema attributes for nodes.


This schema attribute can apply to node (tag-term) elements.
This was added so attributes could apply to multiple types of elements.
This property was formerly named nodeProperty.


This schema attribute’s value can be a node.
This property was formerly named nodeProperty.


This schema attribute’s value can be numeric.


This schema attribute’s value can be a string.


This schema attribute can apply to unit classes.
This property was formerly named unitClassProperty.


This schema attribute’s value can be a unit class.


This schema attribute can apply to unit modifiers.
This property was formerly named unitModifierProperty.


This schema attribute can apply to units.
This property was formerly named unitProperty.


This schema attribute’s value can be units.


This schema attribute can apply to value classes.
This property was formerly named valueClassProperty.


This schema attribute’s value can be a value class.

Property names ending in Range designate the type of value a schema attribute has. Starting with HED standard schema version 8.3.0 the boolProperty, which indicates that a schema attribute value can be true or false, was renamed boolRange. In addition, numericRange and stringRange were added, since the conversionFactor schema attribute has a numeric value.

Property names ending in Domain indicate the type of schema element that a schema attribute applies to. String with HED standard schema version 8.3.0 the property names elementProperty, nodeProperty, unitClassProperty, unitModifierProperty, unitModifierProperty, unitProperty, and valueClassProperty were renamed as elementDomain, tagDomain, unitClassDomain, unitModifierDomain, unitModifierDomain, unitDomain, and valueClassDomain to better clarify their role and to facilitate mapping to the HED ontology.

Format for schema attributes with schema property values.

Attributes with boolean range (boolRange):

  • In .xml the attribute appears as a <name> element with the property’s name but no <value> in an <attribute> section of the schema element.

  • In .mediawiki, the attribute name appears in curly braces in the element’s specification line.

  • In either case presence of the property indicates true, and absence indicates false.

Schema without a boolean range:

  • In .xml, the attribute appears with both <name> and <value> in an <attribute> section of the schema element.

  • In .mediawiki, the schema element has the {name =value} in the element’s specification line.

  • These schema attributes may appear multiple times in an element with different values if appropriate.

See property example for an example in MediaWiki format.

A.2. MediaWiki file format

The rules for creating a valid .mediawiki specification of a HED schema are given below. The format is line-oriented, meaning that all information about an individual entity should be on a single line. Empty lines and lines containing only blanks are ignored.

A.2.1. Overall file layout

Overall layout of a HED MEDIAWIKI schema file.

             . . .
!# start schema
!# end schema
!# end hed

A.2.2. MediaWiki header

The first line of the .mediawiki file should be a header that starts with the keyword HED followed by a blank-separated list of name-value pairs.

Allowed HED schema header parameters






Name of library used in XML file names.
The value should only have lowercase alphabetic characters.



A valid semantic version number of the schema.






xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation points to an XSD file.



The version of the standard schema partner
if this is a partnered library schema.



If true, this is an unmerged partnered library schema.
If omitted, assumed false.

The following example gives a sample header for standard schema version 8.0.0 in .mediawiki format.

Example: Sample header for version 8.0.0 in .mediawiki format.

HED version="8.0.0"

The schema .mediawiki file specified in this example is named HED8.0.0.mediawiki and can be found in the standard_schema/hedwiki directory of the hed-schemas GitHub repository.

The versions of the schema that use XSD validation to verify the format (versions 8.0.0 and above) have xmlns:xsi and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes. The xsi attribute is required if xmlns:xsi is given. The XSD file allows validators to check the format of the .xml using standard XML validators.

The following example shows a sample header for testlib library schema version 1.0.2 in .mediawiki format.

Example: Sample header for testlib library version 1.0.2 in .mediawiki format.

HED library="testlib" version="1.0.2"

The library and version values are used to form the official file name HED_testlib_1.0.2.mediawiki. The file is found in library_schemas/testlib/hedwiki directory of the hed-schemas GitHub repository.

A warning is generated when unknown header attributes are translated as attributes of the HED line during .mediawiki file validation.

A.2.3. MediaWiki prologue and epilogue

The prologue is an optional paragraph of text appearing after the header. The prologue is used by tools for help and display purposes.

Early versions of HED use the prologue section to record a CHANGE_LOG as well as information about the syntax and rules. HED versions ≥ 8.0.0 include a separate change log file for released versions.

Similar to the prologue section, the epilogue is an optional paragraph of text, usually containing references and license information. The epilogue appears directly before the ending line of the file.

Both the prologue and epilogue may contain commas and new lines in addition to the characters specified by the textClass.

A.2.4. MediaWiki schema section

The beginning of the actual specification of the HED vocabulary is marked by the start-line:

!# start schema

The end of the main HED-specification is marked by the end-line:

!# end schema

A section separator is a line starting with !#. The section separator lines (!# start schema, !# end schema, !# end hed) must only appear once in the file and must appear in that order within the file.

The body of the HED specification is located between the !# start schema and !# end schema section separators. Each specification is a single line in the .mediawiki file.

The three types of lines in the main specification section are top-nodes, normal-nodes, and placeholders, respectively.

Empty lines or lines containing only blanks are ignored.

The basic format for a node-specification is:

node-name  <nowiki>{attributes}[description]</nowiki>

Top node names are enclosed in triple single quotes (e.g., '''Event'''), while other types of nodes have at least one preceding asterisk (*) followed by a blank and then the name.

The number of asterisks indicates the level of the node in the subtree. The attributes are in curly braces ({ }) and the description is in square brackets ([ ]).

Node names in HED versions ≥ 8.0.0 can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and under-bars (i.e., they must be of type nameClass). They cannot contain blanks and must be unique.

HED versions < 8.0.0 allow blanks in node names and also have some duplicate node names. Use of HED versions < 8.0.0 is deprecated and validators no longer support their use.

For top nodes and normal nodes, everything after the node name must be contained within <nowiki></nowiki> tags. The # is included within the <nowiki></nowiki> tags in placeholder nodes.

Example: Different types of HED node specifications in .mediawiki format.

Top node:

'''Property''' <nowiki>{extensionAllowed} [Subtree of properties.]</nowiki>

Normal node:

***** Duration <nowiki>{requireChild} [Time extent of something.]</nowiki>

Placeholder node:

****** <nowiki># {takesValue, unitClass=time,valueClass=numericClass}</nowiki>

The Duration tag of this example is at the fifth level below the root (top node) of its subtree. The tag: Property/Data-property/Data-value/Spatiotemporal-value/Temporal-value/Duration is the long form. The placeholder in the example is the node directly below Duration in the hierarchy.

A.2.5. MediaWiki auxiliary sections

After the line marking the end of the schema (!# end schema), the .mediawiki file contains the unit class definitions, unit modifier definitions, value class definitions, the schema attribute definitions, and property definitions. All of these sections are required starting with HED version 8.0.0 and must be given in this order.

A.2.5.1. Unit classes and units

Unit classes specify the types of units allowed to be used with a value substituted for a # placeholder.

The unit class specification section starts with '''Unit classes''' and lists the types of units (the unit classes) at the first level and the specific units corresponding to those unit classes at the second level.

Example: Part of the HED unit class for time in .mediawiki format.

'''Unit classes''' 
* time <nowiki>{defaultUnits=s}</nowiki> 
** second <nowiki>{SIUnit}</nowiki> 
** s <nowiki>{SIUnit, unitSymbol}</nowiki> 

A.2.5.2. Unit modifiers

The SI units can be modified by SI (International System Units) sub-multiples and multiples. All unit modifiers are at level 1 of the .mediawiki file.

Example: Part of the HED unit modifier in .mediawiki format.

'''Unit modifiers''' 
* deca <nowiki>{SIUnitModifier} [SI unit multiple for 10 raised to power 1]</nowiki> 
* da <nowiki>{SIUnitSymbolModifier} [SI unit multiple for 10 raised to power 1]</nowiki>

A unit must have the SIUnit attribute in order to be used with modifiers. If the unit has both the SIUnit and unitSymbol attributes, then it only can be used with SIUnitSymbolModifier modifiers. If the unit has only the SIUnit attribute, then it only can be used with the SIUnitModifer.

For example the unit second is an SIUnit but not a symbol, so second, seconds, decasecond and decaseconds are all valid units.

The unit s is both a SIUnit and a unitSymbol, so s and das are valid units. Note that rules about pluralization do not apply to unit symbols.

A.2.5.3. Value classes

Value classes give rules about what kind of value is allowed to be substituted for # placeholder tags.

Example: Part of the HED value class for date-time in .mediawiki format.

'''Value classes'''
* dateTimeClass <nowiki>{allowedCharacter=digits,allowedCharacter=T,allowedCharacter=-,allowedCharacter=:}[Should conform to ISO8601 date-time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.]</nowiki> 

A.2.5.4. Schema attributes

The schema attributes specify other characteristics about how particular tags may be used in annotation. These attributes allow validators and other tools to process tag strings based on the HED schema specification, thus avoiding hard-coding particular behavior.

Example: HED schema attributes allowedChaaracter and defaultUnits in .mediawiki format.

'''Schema attributes'''
* allowedCharacter <nowiki>{valueClassProperty}[Value may contain this character.]</nowiki>
* extensionAllowed <nowiki>{boolProperty}[This schema node may be extended.]</nowiki> 

The schema attributes, themselves, have attributes referred to asschema properties. These schema properties are listed in the Properties section of the schema. The example indicates that allowedCharacter is associated with value classes, while defaultUnits is associated with unit classes.

A.2.5.5. Schema properties

Properties apply only to schema attributes. The following example defines the valueClassProperty in .mediawiki format.

Example: HED schema property valueClassProperty in .mediawiki format.

* valueClassProperty <nowiki>[Attribute is meant to be applied to value classes.]</nowiki> 

See Schema properties for a list of available schema properties.

A.3. XML file format

This section describes details of the XML schema format.

A.3.1. XML file layout

The XML schema file format has a header, prologue, main schema, definitions, and epilogue sections. The general layout is as follows:

XML layout of the HED schema.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<HED library="test" version="0.0.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://github.com/hed-standard/hed-specification/raw/master/hedxml/HED8.0.0-beta.3.xsd">
<prologue>unique optional text blob</prologue>
         ...  schema specification  ... 
   <unitClassDefinition> ... </unitClassDefinition>
   <unitClassDefinition> ... </unitClassDefinition>
   <unitModifierDefinition> ... </unitModifierDefinition>
   <unitModifierDefinition> ... </unitModifierDefinition>
    <valueClassDefinition> ... </valueClassDefinition>
    <valueClassDefinition> ... </valueClassDefinition>

   <schemaAttributeDefinition> ... </schemaAttributeDefinition>
   <schemaAttributeDefinition> ... </schemaAttributeDefinition>

    <propertyDefinition> ... </propertyDefinition>
    <propertyDefinition> ... </propertyDefinition>

<epilogue>unique optional text blob</epilogue>

A.3.2. XML header

The HED node is the root node of the XML schema.

Example: Header for Version 8.0.0 of the standard HED XML schema.

<HED version="8.0.0">

The file name corresponding to this example is HED8.0.0.xml. The file is found in the standard_schema/hedxml directory of the hed-schemas GitHub repository.

Library schemas must include the library attribute with the library name in their header line as shown in the following example.

Example: Version 1.0.2 of HED testlib library schema in .xml format.

<HED library="testlib" version="1.0.2">

The library and version values are used to form the official xml file name HED_testlib_1.0.2.xml. The file is found in library_schemas/testlib/hedxml directory of the hed-schemas GitHub repository.

Unknown header attributes are translated as attributes of the HED root node of the .xml version, but a warning is issued when the .mediawiki file is validated.

The library and version values are used to form the official xml file name HED_testlib_1.0.2.xml.

Library schemas may also be partnered as is HED_testlib_2.0.0.xml.

Example: Partnered library schema testlib version 2.0.0 in .xml format.

<HED library="testlib" version="2.0.0" withStandard="8.2.0">

A.3.3. XML prologue and epilogue

The <prologue>...</prologue> and <epilogue>...</epilogue> elements are meant to be treated as opaque as far as schema processing goes.

HED versions < 8.0.0 contained a Change Log for the HED schema in the prologue section as well as some basic documentation of syntax. The epilogue section contained additional metadata to be ignored during processing.

A.3.4. XML schema section

The schema section of the HED XML document consists of an arbitrary number of <node></node> elements enclosed in a single <schema></schema> element.

Top-level XML layout of the HED schema.

    <node> ... </node>
    <node> ... </node>

A <node> element contains a required <name> child element, an optional <description> child element, and an optional number of additional <attribute> child elements:

XML layout HED node element.

    <attribute> ... </attribute>
    <attribute> ... </attribute>
    <attribute> ... </attribute>   
    <node> ... <node>

The <name> element text must conform to the rules for naming HED schema nodes. It corresponds to the node-name in the mediawiki specification and must not be empty. A # value is used to represent value place-holder elements.

The <description> element has the text contained in the square brackets [ ] in the .mediawiki node specification. If the .mediawiki description is missing or has an empty [ ], the <description> element is omitted.

The optional <attribute> elements are derived from the attribute list contained in curly braces { } of the .mediawiki specification. An <attribute> element has a single non-empty <name></name> child element whose text value corresponds to the node-name of attribute in the corresponding .mediawiki file. If the attribute does not have the boolProperty, then the <attribute> element should also have one or more child <value></value> elements giving the value(s) of the attribute.

Example: The requireChild attribute represents a boolean value. In the .mediawiki representation this attribute appears as {requireChild} if present and is omitted if absent.

The format of the XML attributes was changed with HED versions &ge 8.0.0. Earlier versions of the schema have been deprecated and tools no longer support their validation.

The requireChild attribute represents a boolean value.

Old xml if true:

<node requireChild="true"><name>xxx</name></node>

New xml if true:


Example: The suggestedTag is a schema attribute that has a value. The attribute is meant to be used by tagging tools to suggest additional tags that a user might want to include. Notice that the suggestedTag values are valid HED tags in any form (short, long, or intermediate).

The suggestedTag old format.

Old xml if present:

<node suggestedTag="Sweet,Gustatory-attribute/Salty">

New xml if present:


A.3.5. XML auxiliary sections

The auxiliary sections define various aspects of behavior of various types of elements in the schema.

A.3.5.1. Unit classes

The unit classes are defined in the <unitClassDefinitions> section of the XML schema file, and the unit modifiers are defined in the <unitModifierDefinitions> section. These sections follow a format similar to the <node> element in the <schema> section.

The <unitClassDefinition> elements have a required <name>, an optional <description>, and an arbitrary number of additional <attribute> child elements. These <attribute> elements describe properties of the unit class rather than of individual unit types. In addition, <unitClassDefinition> elements may have an arbitrary number of <unit> child elements as shown in the following example.

Example XML layout of the unit class definitions.

    <description>Temporal values except date and time of day.</description>
       <description>SI unit second.</description>
       <description>SI unit second in abbreviated form.</description>

A.3.5.2. Unit modifiers

Unit modifiers are defined in the <unitModifierDefinitions> section of the XML schema file. The following shows the layout of an example unit modifier definitions:

Example XML layout of the unit modifier definition

        <description>SI unit multiple representing 10^1.</description>
                . . .

A.3.5.3 Value classes

Value classes are defined in the <valueClassDefinitions> section of the XML schema file. These sections follow a format similar to the <node> element in the <schema>:

Example XML layout of the unit class definitions.

       <description>Should conform to ISO8601 date-time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.</description>

A.3.5.4. Schema attributes

The <schemaAttributeDefinitions> section specifies the allowed attributes of the other elements including the <node>, <unitClassDefinition>, <unitModifierDefinition>, and <valueClassDefinition> elements. The specifications of individual attributes are given in <schemaAttributeDefinition> elements.

Example XML layout of the schema attribute definitions.

        <description>Value may contain this character.</description>
        <description>This schema node may be extended.</description>
    . . .

A.3.5.5. Schema properties

The following is an example of the layout of the valueClassProperty in .xml format.

Example XML layout of the schema property definitions.

                  . . .
         <description>Indicates that the schema attribute is meant to be applied to value classes.</description>

See Schema properties for a list of available schema properties.